
Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Quick Facts

Country: Brazil

Location: Poco Fundo, Minas Gerais

Members: 400+

Alttitude: 900-1200m


Processing: natural

Cupprofile: Cacao, Nuts, Tropical fruits, berries, caramel



COOPFAM is a cooperative located in Poço Fundo, a small town located in the state of Minais Gerais. Their history leads back to the 1980s, in the 90s they were the first in Brazil to be certified Farir trade.


hey have a growing number of members, now reaching more than 400 farmers.
Eventhough not all their coffee is organic certified, Roasters United buys only organic coffee from them, trying to support this sustainable style of farming. In the Coop there is a strong

sense of community and within their structure they have different projects to support the people in Poço Fundo. One outstanding producer group is their womens’ farmer group MOBI that produces excellent coffees.

Read more.

Our last visit was in June 2022. Read about what’s new for the cooperative and its producers and what we learned during the visit.