Sidama, Ethiopia
Quick Facts
Country: Ethiopia
Location: District of Shebedino, Sidama Region
Members: 2330
Alttitude: 1800-1900
Varietals: Heirloom
Processing: natural
Cupprofile: Cacao, vanilla, strawberries, dried mango
In 2014, the cooperative has produced three containers of green coffee and already sixth in the year 2015. Taramesa is part of SCFCU (Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union) – short Sidama Union. As in Ethiopia, the coffee trade is nationalized, it is only possible by
means of the Sidama Union to conclude contracts with the cooperatives. The Sidama Union works very transparent and gives technical and financial support for the coops.
Read more.
Our last visit was in June 2022. Read about what’s new for the cooperative and its producers and what we learned during the visit.